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Foundation Dental Solutions Blog

The Cost of Dental Implants: Can They Save You Money?

February 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 1:50 pm
an older woman standing outside her home smiling and showing off her new dental implants

When meeting with your dentist to discuss your tooth replacement options, it is likely one of the most important factors is the price. There’s no denying that dental implant cost is significantly higher than more traditional solutions; however, when you begin to compare the time spent maintaining a fixed bridge or denture as well as the money spent on replacements, you may find dental implants to be more cost-effective than you originally thought. Read on to find out more about these superior prosthetics and why they’re worth the investment.


Will My Dental Implants Feel Natural?

February 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 1:47 pm
a middle-aged woman wearing a blue blouse and smiling while standing outside

If you like the idea of having dental implants replace your missing teeth, you’re not alone. For years, people have turned to these unique prosthetics as a way to recapture their youthful appearance while improving the state of their oral health. Designed to offer permanence, stability, and a longer-lasting smile, it’s no wonder they are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement. But will they feel natural once they are surgically placed? A dentist shares what you can expect when receiving your implants and why they’re still the best choice to replace missing teeth.


Sleep Apnea and Anxiety: Is There a Link?

January 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 9:10 pm
a woman sitting in a chair curled up and appearing anxious and tired

Whether you are aware of it or not, anxiety and sleep apnea are connected. It makes sense if you think about it, as feelings of stress and fear can often keep individuals up at night. It is also possible for someone who experiences sleep apnea and suffers from chronic fatigue to become anxious and worried because of their brain’s inability to handle stress. Read on as an expert further explains the connection and what can be done to treat it.


3 Reasons to Have a Dental Checkup at the Start of the New Year

January 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 9:08 pm
a woman undergoes a regular dental checkup and cleaning at the start of the new year

The new year has arrived, which means you probably have a laundry list of resolutions you are already working on or are planning to start “next Monday.” If taking better care of your smile is part of your 2021 goals, why not start today with a dental checkup? You know the importance of these regular visits, but life often gets in the way, causing a busy schedule to take precedent over a necessary dental appointment. A local dentist invites you to read the following article to discover the 3 reasons why there’s no better time than now to get in for a checkup and cleaning.


4 Helpful Tips to Make It Through the Holidays with Sleep Apnea

December 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 10:04 pm
a young male asleep with the words “sleep apnea” and a diagram showing his inability to breathe properly

The holidays are quickly approaching. This often means added stress, busy schedules, and making sure there is enough time to accomplish your never-ending to-do list. For someone who doesn’t have sleep apnea, this time of year can be overwhelming, but for individuals like yourself who struggle to breathe and sleep with ease, it can lead to restless nights and increased fatigue. Coping with sleep apnea during the holidays can be difficult, but if you take heed of these 4 tips, you may just find yourself feeling refreshed and ready to ring in the new year with those you love.


Why Make Flossing Part of Your New Year’s Resolution?

December 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 10:02 pm
a young woman wearing a gray shirt and flossing her teeth

Everyone knows brushing and flossing are pivotal parts of any oral hygiene routine, but why is the latter so often overlooked? Bacteria and food particles love to creep into the nooks and crannies of a person’s smile, especially those areas in-between teeth. Since brushing is only effective at removing plaque from the surfaces of teeth, it is recommended that dental floss be used (and mouthwash) to take care of the rest. If you want to make flossing a more integral part of your routine in 2021, read on to find out why it’s important and what you can do to make this important task easier and more enjoyable.


Tips to Keeping Your Dentures Damage-Free During the Holidays

November 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 1:41 pm
an older woman smiling and looking at her granddaughter while seated at the Thanksgiving table

Living with dentures isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to the holidays. With so many delicious foods, you may be wondering if there are certain ones you should avoid. Of course, it’s not just about what you eat, but it’s also how you consume your food that can cause you to forgo time with family and friends and instead, spend your holidays in a dentist’s chair in need of emergency treatment. To ensure your dentures or dental implants remain fully intact this season, here are a few tips to consider when preparing to enjoy your holiday meal.


Why You Should Be Thankful for Your Dental Implants

November 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 1:38 pm
an older woman wearing a scarf and coat while standing outside and smiling

This year has caused many people to reevaluate the way they show their appreciation and love for others. Whether your answer to “What are you thankful for this year” includes health, family, friends, or even your job, you may it beneficial to add dental implants to your list. Why? If you’ve been living with missing teeth, these superior tooth replacements can offer a host of benefits that cannot be achieved with more traditional restorations. To find out why dental implants can give you even more to be thankful for this year, read on.


Tips for Making and Keeping Your Next Dental Appointment

October 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 9:01 pm
a young female with blonde hair having a dental checkup performed by her dentist

If you are like most people, work, school, family, and additional obligations can often take precedent over your dental health. Trying to find the time to devote to getting your teeth cleaned can be a chore, but fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. Instead of scrambling at the last minute to try and see your dentist before the end of the year for a dental checkup, try the following tips that will help you move through the process of keeping your next appointment.


4 Consequences of Skipping a Dental Checkup and Cleaning

September 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 9:03 pm
a man dressed in a suit and covering his mouth because he is embarrassed by his smile and breath

Has it been a year or more since your last visit to the dentist’s office? Do you worry that your teeth and gums may be negatively impacted by your decisions when it comes to skipping a dental cleaning? Unfortunately, brushing, flossing, and rinsing at home can only do so much. Seeking professional help to remove plaque-causing bacteria and ensure no abnormalities are forming in your oral cavity are necessary to achieve optimal oral health. This article looks at the potential consequences you can face by choosing to forgo your regular dental appointments.

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What Our Patients Say About Us

“For the last 10 years, I had a denture that never fit right. I only wore it when I had to. After visiting Dr. Baldwin, I got a new denture that is very comfortable and never moves. I can eat anything, and I smile all the time.”

Bernie Jones - Fort Worth, TX

“For the last 10 years, I had a denture that never fit right. I only wore it when I had to. After visiting Dr. Baldwin, I got a new denture that is very comfortable and never moves. I can eat anything, and I smile all the time.”

Bernie Jones - Fort Worth, TX

“For the last 10 years, I had a denture that never fit right. I only wore it when I had to. After visiting Dr. Baldwin, I got a new denture that is very comfortable and never moves. I can eat anything, and I smile all the time.”

Bernie Jones - Fort Worth, TX