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Foundation Dental Solutions Blog

What to Do If Your Invisalign Aligner Doesn’t Fit

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 4:34 pm

Experiencing an ill-fitting aligner can be a cause for concern, especially when you’re in the middle of an orthodontic treatment plan. However, before jumping to the conclusion that an entirely new set of trays is necessary, it’s crucial to explore potential solutions. Read on to learn which steps you can take if one of your aligners isn’t seating properly.


Debunking 5 Myths About Alcohol and Oral Health

August 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 8:54 pm
friends smiling and drinking beer

When it comes to our health, information is power. Yet, in a world flooded with myths and misinformation, it’s easy to fall victim to misconceptions. One topic that’s clouded with confusion is the relationship between alcohol and oral health. In this blog post, we’ll help separate fact from fiction to bring you the truth about how alcohol truly affects your mouth.


Tips for Protecting Your Lips from the Sun

July 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 8:47 pm
woman applying lip balm

When we think about oral health, our minds often drift to the pearly whites that make up our smiles. However, oral health encompasses more than just teeth and gums—it also includes your lips. With summer in full swing, it’s crucial to recognize that your lips are particularly susceptible to sunburn, which can have serious implications for both your oral health and overall well-being. Read on to learn about the importance of protecting your lips from the sun’s harmful rays and some tips to ensure your oral health remains uncompromised.


What Should I Keep in My Emergency Dental Kit?

June 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 2:56 am
emergency dental kit

It’s a beautiful day to go enjoy a local festival with friends. You gather your things and get ready to leave when suddenly, you trip on something you accidentally left on the floor and now find that you’ve broken a tooth. While panic might be the first thing to arise, it’s important that you have a plan in place as well as the necessary items to manage your situation until you can see your dentist. So, what should be in an emergency dental kit? Read on to find out.


What Should I Do If I Have a Loose Permanent Tooth?

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 8:58 pm
man with loose tooth

As a child, a loose tooth was often an exciting experience. It meant finding a clever way to remove it before waiting eagerly for the tooth fairy to arrive. Having a loose tooth as an adult, though, is quite a bit different. Instead of excitement, you’re left feeling worried about what might happen if it falls out. Before you start to panic, an emergency dentist is here to explain what steps you can take to care for your smile while waiting for your appointment.


Why Do I Have a Bitter Taste In My Mouth?

April 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 2:23 am
woman with bitter taste in mouth

Have you noticed that food doesn’t seem to taste the same as it once did? Instead of feeling satisfied after your meals, you’re left with an unpleasant metallic taste that won’t go away. What is causing the bitter taste in your mouth? While many instances will eventually dissipate on their own, others can be signs of more serious oral health issues. A dentist is here to further explain why this happens and what you can do to prevent it.


Do I Need Invisalign Refinement?

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 2:32 am
woman wearing Invisalign

You’re working on improving the health and aesthetics of your smile with clear aligners. You’re excited about the idea of having a more perfectly aligned smile but after a meeting with your dentist, you learn you need additional trays to “get your smile back on track.” If you’re feeling a bit shocked by this revelation, you’re not alone. What is Invisalign refinement exactly? To better understand how this process works and why it’s recommended in the first place, a dentist explains.


Is It Safe to Pursue Cosmetic Dentistry?

February 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 2:30 am
woman receiving cosmetic dentistry

You are tired of seeing imperfections in your smile, and you want to do something about them. While considering your options, you discover that your dentist offers many unique services designed to enhance and improve the look of teeth and gums. As you do your research on each method of treatment, you wonder, “Is cosmetic dentistry safe?” To answer this question and put your mind at ease, a dentist explains why it is one of the most popular, safe, and effective forms of dental care available.


Can Ill-Fitting Dentures Lead to Life-Threatening Complications?

January 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 10:44 pm
full dentures

You recently received your customized dentures, and you’re thrilled to have a smile that now functions normally. You can eat, speak, and smile with greater ease, and you’re now living your best life. However, over time, you discover that your dentures are no longer fitting as they should, causing them to cause problems with your ability to perform normal daily tasks. In fact, the situation is so bad that you wonder if it could be more serious than you believe it to be. Can ill-fitting dentures be life-threatening? Read on to find out when you should seek help.


3 Foods to Eat in Moderation to Avoid Holiday Cavities

December 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbaldwin @ 10:28 pm
holiday foods

Maintaining good oral health in Arlington during the holidays doesn’t have to be an impossible task. Although tables are filled with delectable treats that are hard to resist, the good news is that you don’t have to avoid them altogether. Instead, this article will explain how you can enjoy your favorites but in moderation. Read on to discover three foods you should enjoy in small amounts to avoid a sudden trip to the emergency dentist’s office.

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What Our Patients Say About Us

“For the last 10 years, I had a denture that never fit right. I only wore it when I had to. After visiting Dr. Baldwin, I got a new denture that is very comfortable and never moves. I can eat anything, and I smile all the time.”

Bernie Jones - Fort Worth, TX

“For the last 10 years, I had a denture that never fit right. I only wore it when I had to. After visiting Dr. Baldwin, I got a new denture that is very comfortable and never moves. I can eat anything, and I smile all the time.”

Bernie Jones - Fort Worth, TX

“For the last 10 years, I had a denture that never fit right. I only wore it when I had to. After visiting Dr. Baldwin, I got a new denture that is very comfortable and never moves. I can eat anything, and I smile all the time.”

Bernie Jones - Fort Worth, TX